Birthday Cake
What more do you want on your birthday?
What more do you want on your birthday?
A real birthday treat, where our burlesque performer pops out of her giant cake to surprise the birthday girl / boy and strip down in a burlesque routine.
A fun and exciting performance this includes an array of props keeping the crowd thoroughly entertained! A stunning and classic burlesque fan dance starts off this showstopper, teasing the audience letting them see sneak peeks of the costume underneath the dusky pink feathers. The rooms atmosphere is calm and the crowd are mesmerised by her delicate and beautiful movements. Revealing the Diamond encrusted costume the audience marvel and gasp. Each glove is elegantly removed in time for some unexpected hula hooping! Notice the atmosphere change as the uniquely customised, fringe trimmed hoop is whirled around her 22” waist the audience cheering her on - the room is now in high spirits. Performing some fabulous tricks with the hoop its then lassoed off and on with the next part.
Tastefully teasing the crowd with the corset ribbon pulling each lace one by one slowly it loosens. Each clasp pops individually to compliment the music et Voila! The magnificent crystal & emerald bra is revealed. She introduces a huge goblet & tassel, which unbeknown to the audience is filled with sparkling glitter. On the crescendo this is up in the air being thrown around by the huge tassel, falling magically over her body as her tassels are revealed.